2 Massive Building Scandals Collide... 1) Elliot Lake... And 2) "Truss Troubles"...
Elliot Lake...
"Truss Troubles"...
The Elliot Lake mall collapse building scandal involves many of the same persons and/or organizations that are at play in the "Truss Troubles" building scandal.
Professional Engineers Of Ontario (PEO)...
"providing assistance and/or input to public inquiry..."
Attorney General John Gerretsen - the man giving us "answers (via an expensive inquiry) and justice in Elliot Lake"...
Attorney General John Gerretsen - is the same man who was Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing when the Professional Engineers of Ontario wrote their letter warning of a problem in the truss industry in 2007!
Engineer Robert Woods (known by many as "the bad engineer of Elliot Lake"). It takes only a hairline fracture to take down a steel beam. I'm not saying what he did was right when he changed the report, but, there is certainly,in my opinion, "blame to go around..."
Engineer Robert Woods - in our case was one of two engineering firms that helped us when no one else would. Robert Woods had provided an excellent solution in our case!
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - "looking to improve processes... and figure out what went wrong"...
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - in my opinion, "still clueless"!!!
The "Elliot Lake Inquiry" and "The Justice System"... Quick to point out Robert Woods (and his small company) had PUT HIS SEAL ON A REPORT saying the mall was sound...
Cassidy's Calamity Judgment... SEAL DOES NOT MATTER ... dismissed all claims against a high powered and influential engineer in the truss industry... who sealed our truss specifications WITHOUT HEARING A SINGLE ARGUMENT! Why the double standard for "the importance and liability pertaining to the seal"?
In my opinion, "Justice" is a matter of perspective... and, in my opinion, also a matter of money!
Implications... Woods charged criminally...
Other Implications Still To Come...
Implications... Already VERY NASTY!!!
Professional Engineers Of Ontario (PEO)...
"sounded the warning bell/fire alarm" but did not, in my opinion, ensure the issues were properly addressed and then refused to testify claiming "secrecy" privileges!!!