"Not My Job... Ontario Provincial Police... "
But.. Breach of Public Trust Is A CRIMINAL Offense!
Ontario Provincial Police - to whom I had mailed over 1000+ pages in Powerpoint and hundreds of pages in documentation responded with what we saw as "weasel words" of "IN OUR OPINION..." this is "civil"...

To this, I emailed back, I don't agree, breach of public trust is CRIMINAL as is fraud, and anyone who allows homes to go up with major structural defects and knows that, well... "IN MY OPINION", I stated I felt the public would consider that potential bank (mortgages), insurance (title) and securities (mortgage backed securities) fraud!

I asked the O.P.P. to return my memory stick via trackable mail (courrier).

I kept that envelope the O.P.P. returned to me via courrier - UNOPENED - as proof of what I had sent to them for investigation - and I still have it - UNOPENED!!